In this section you will find all the legal information that regulates the access and use of the TS Distribuzioni Shop

Access and use of this Website, as well as the purchase of TS Distribuzioni products, presuppose reading, knowledge and acceptance of the following General Conditions of Sale.

We therefore invite you to regularly access this section to check, before making each purchase, the publication of the most recent and updated General Conditions of Sale of www.t


1) These General Conditions of Sale (“Conditions”) govern the sale of products and services through the Site and constitute an integral part of every sales contract (“Contract”) that is concluded via the internet between:

  • TS Distribuzioni di Sergio Tribenga P.IVA 02948400730 CF:TRBSRG87M24E205K with registered office in Via Colombo 81c Grottaglie (TA), Italy

- The seller -

  • and any person who purchases products or services from the Site (The “Site”)

- The client -

2) Any purchase order for products from TS Distribuzioni is governed by these Conditions, without prejudice to the Seller's right to apply different and particular conditions.

The applicable Conditions are those in force at the time of placing an Order.

3) TS Distribuzioni reserves the right to modify these General Conditions of Sale at any time, without prior notice.

4) These Conditions do not regulate the sale of products or the provision of services by parties other than the Seller, who are present or referred to on the Site through links, banners or other connections.

In relation to such sales or supplies of services, any form of liability of the Seller is therefore excluded.



5) The Customer undertakes, before proceeding to confirm his Order, to read these Conditions and accept them by placing a check (flag) in the indicated box.

By placing an Order via the Site, the Customer guarantees both that he has the capacity to act necessary to conclude legally binding contracts and that he is at least 18 years old.

Customers who place Orders through the Site accept the Terms and Conditions as follows.

6) The Seller offers its products for sale within the stock limits available at the time of the Purchase Order. Orders may be subject to minimum or maximum quantity limitations.

7) The Customer can only purchase the products present in the electronic catalog of the Site at the time of placing the Order, as described in the relevant information sheets.

The information on the products on the Site, such as technical specifications, images, dimensions or compatibility details, are non-binding and may be subject to change at any time.

8) The technical phases for placing an Order are clearly highlighted in the sequence of pages on the Site, through explanatory texts and graphics.

9) By clicking on "Confirm Order", the Customer will formulate a contractual purchase proposal to TS Distribuzioni regarding the items contained in the Cart.

Receipt of the Order does not constitute acceptance of the contractual purchase proposal.

10) To complete the Order, the following formalities must be completed:

a) reading and acceptance by the Customer, by "point and click", of these Conditions;

b) compilation in electronic format by the Customer - by entering all the required data - of the Order Form, which contains a summary of the essential characteristics of each chosen product or service and the relative price; of the payment method for which the Customer has opted; the delivery methods of the purchased products; shipping and delivery times and costs; of the conditions for the exercise of the Customer's right of withdrawal and for the application of the legal guarantee of conformity; the methods and times for returning purchased products;

c) payment, in favor of the Seller, of the price of the product(s) purchased by the Customer, including shipping and delivery costs;

d) automated forwarding of the aforementioned Order Form electronically to the Seller;

e) electronic receipt by the Seller of the aforementioned Order Form.

Placing the Order entails the express recognition by the Customer of the obligation to pay.

11) The correct receipt of an Order is confirmed by TS Distribuzioni by email to the email address communicated by the Customer

This confirmation is generated automatically by the system and cannot in itself be considered acceptance of the Order, but only confirmation of receipt of the same.

The confirmation e-mail presents all the data entered by the Customer, who undertakes to verify its correctness and promptly communicate any corrections.

12) Following receipt of an Order, TS Distribuzioni will verify the availability of the products ordered and, only following this verification, will it communicate its acceptance of the Order by sending the Order Acceptance Receipt to the Customer.

The Contract ends with the receipt by the Customer of the acceptance of the Order in the form of a Receipt sent by TS Distribuzioni , or, in the absence of such acceptance, with the delivery of the items covered by the Order.

Once the Order acceptance receipt has been forwarded to the Customer, it will no longer be possible to modify or cancel the Order, without prejudice to the right of withdrawal under the terms and conditions set out in the following Section VI of these Conditions.

13) If TS Distribuzioni Online is unable to process an Order received, it will promptly communicate this to the Customer, and in any case before sending the Order acceptance receipt to the latter, except as provided for in the following art. 14, paragraph 2.

In any case, TS Distribuzioni reserves, at its total discretion, the right to refuse an Order, to set purchase limits and to require advance payment.

Each Contract will concern exclusively the products expressly and specifically indicated in the Purchase Order.

Any form of liability, contractual or non-contractual, deriving from the non-acceptance of an Order is excluded.

14) The Seller will have the right not to process purchase orders placed in accordance with the provisions of the previous provisions, in the event that the Customer has not paid for the products; or in the event that the Customer's data is incomplete and/or incorrect; or even in the event that the products ordered are not, even temporarily, available.

If the Seller does not process a purchase order placed by the Customer, the Seller will promptly inform the Customer, by e-mail, of the foregoing and will refund any amount already paid by the Customer.



15) The price of the products ordered is that in force on the day the Order is placed and must be paid to the Seller pursuant to the previous article 10, letter. c).

Shipping costs are not included in the purchase price, but are indicated and calculated at the time the Order is concluded and before payment is made.

Unless otherwise provided, all prices indicated on the Site are to be understood as inclusive of VAT.

TS Distribuzioni reserves the right to change prices at any time, without notice, unless the Customer's Order has already been confirmed by the Seller pursuant to art. 12.

In the event of a price change after the Order has been sent by the Customer and before confirmation by the Seller, the latter will promptly communicate the new price by e-mail to the Customer, who will be able to accept the change. or refuse it and, consequently, renounce the Order, without any additional cost.

Acceptance of the modification must be communicated to TS Distribuzioni , by e-mail or fax, within 7 days of communication thereof. Otherwise, the modification will be considered tacitly rejected and the Order will be considered cancelled.

16) The Customer will be able to pay for the products ordered through one of the payment methods indicated on the Site.

In the case of payment by credit card, the purchase amount will be charged to the Customer following the conclusion of the Order on the Site.

In the case of payment in cash, the amount of the Order will be charged to the Customer upon delivery of the products.

In the case of payment by bank transfer, the Customer will receive the bank details attached to the Order Form: the Order will be processed only following receipt of the credit by the Seller.

The related financial information will be managed solely by the payment circuits or the credit institution.

The aforementioned information may be used by the Seller solely to complete the procedures relating to the payment of products or services, or to arrange for refunds following the exercise by the Customer of the right of withdrawal referred to in the following Section. VI of these Conditions.



17) Orders are processed from 9.00 to 17.00, Monday to Friday. Orders placed after 5pm on Friday will be processed the following Monday.

Except as otherwise provided in the Order Form, TS Distribuzioni will ship the products purchased by the Customer, by courier, to the address indicated by the Customer, approximately within 24 working hours of acceptance of the Order.

Delivery takes place no later than 30 days from acceptance of the Order.

TS Distribuzioni assumes no responsibility for disservices attributable to force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances, even if dependent on malfunctions and disservices of the internet network, in the event that it is unable to execute the Order within the times set out in the Contract.

18) If the purchased products were to be delivered outside the national territory, the Customer is responsible for paying any import charges and taxes, as well as any duties and customs duties provided for by the legislation in force in the territory of destination of the products.

19) The courier is responsible for delivery. TS Distribuzioni undertakes to collect any reports of failed or delayed delivery of products.

20) Any damage to the packaging and/or products, or the mismatch in the number of packages or indications, must be immediately reported to the courier through specific indication on the delivery document.

By signing the delivery document and in the absence of the aforementioned disputes, the Customer certifies the real material integrity of the products and the conformity of the delivery.

The facts referred to in paragraph 1 of this article must be reported, by e-mail, to the Seller within 8 days of delivery, attaching the invoice (if issued) and the copy of the consignment note belonging to the Customer. courier.



21) The Seller will issue an invoice for each Customer who has requested it and who, for this purpose, has entered their tax code and VAT number in the appropriate Order Form. In this sense, the information provided by the Customer at the time of the Order is valid.

No invoice can be issued after the Order Form has been submitted, unless requested at the time of placing the Order itself.

No modification of the invoice will be possible after it has been issued.

During the Order phase, it is necessary to indicate if the shipping address is different from the billing address.

If the Customer decides not to enter their tax code or VAT number, TS Distribuzioni will not issue an invoice.



22) Except as provided by art. 59 of Legislative Decree no. 206/2005, for purchases of machines and/or accessories, or other products, made through the Site, it will always be possible to exercise the right of withdrawal, based on what is established by law, within 14 days of delivery of the products, contacting the Seller for the return methods.

The goods must be returned, at the Customer's expense, within 14 days from the date on which the Customer communicated to TS Distribuzioni his decision to withdraw.

In the case of open and/or partially used products, the right of withdrawal does not apply and TS Distribuzioni will inform the Customer by email. In this case, the Customer may ask the Seller, by e-mail, to return the purchased products, at his own expense. Otherwise, the Seller reserves the right to withhold both the products and the amount corresponding to the purchase of the products themselves.

TS Distribuzioni will only accept returns of goods in perfect condition and in their original packaging, accompanied by the relevant purchase invoice or, if missing, by the relevant Order acceptance receipt.

In the case of service contracts, the withdrawal period ends after 14 days starting from the day of conclusion of the contract in the forms referred to in the previous art. 12.

23) Except for exceptional exceptions, returns of food products, such as capsules, biscuits, coffee, sugar purchased on the Site will not be accepted.

24) Except as provided in the previous provisions, once the products have been returned, TS Distribuzioni will refund the amount actually paid by the Customer, using the same payment method chosen by the Customer during the purchase phase.

In the case of payment made by bank transfer, the Customer must communicate to the Seller the relevant bank details necessary for carrying out the refund.

If there is no correspondence between the recipient of the products indicated in the Order Form and the person who made the payment of the sums due for their purchase, the reimbursement of the sums deriving from the withdrawal will be made by the Seller to the person who made the payment.

The refund of the price paid by the Customer for the purchase of the products includes the shipping costs incurred when placing the Order.



25) All products, other than food, sold by TS Distribuzioni are covered by legal guarantees.

26) The guarantee consists in the replacement, at the Seller's expense and at the Seller's expense, of defective, incorrect or damaged products; or, where replacement of the products is impossible or excessively burdensome for the Seller, the guarantee will consist of an appropriate reduction in the price; or, again, in the termination of the contract, where the degree of non-conformity of the product is such that a mere reduction in price is not acceptable.

In the case of defective, incorrect or damaged products, the Customer will promptly contact, and in any case no later than the deadline referred to in article 27, the Seller, by e-mail at indicating the problem that has arisen.

To the aforementioned written communication it will be necessary to attach photographic material certifying the originality of the packaging, of the cardboard inserts, as well as relating to the products received.

In the case of defective products, in addition to the communication referred to in the second paragraph of this article, the Customer is required to keep and send back to the Seller the bottles purchased with at least ¾ of the contents with the relevant original caps well sealed. Once the goods have been received and the anomaly has been ascertained, the Seller will replace or refund the returned product.

27) The guarantee is subject, under penalty of forfeiture, to the notification of the defect or lack of quality, within 2 months from the moment in which the Customer received the purchased products.

28) The guarantee, however, loses all effectiveness when modifications have been made to the products by the Customer.



29) These General Conditions of Sale and the Contract are governed by Italian law, except as provided for by the 1980 Vienna Convention.

30) Any dispute that arises from the application of these Conditions or from the Contract will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Italian judge, in accordance with the provisions of current Italian legislation.