Bacardi Superior Rum 1Litre
Bacardi Superior Rum 1Litre
Dry and ethereal, this Rum was born in 1862 after years of research and experimentation by Don Facundo Bacardi , who has always wanted to transform white rum into a fine and elegant product, to definitively strip it of the name of coarse and rough. Its main characteristic is the perfect equilibrium between soft and delicate flavors in contrast with the typical structure of Rum and its alcohol content, and it is precisely this quality that ensures that its taste does not dominate in cocktails; for this reason, Superior is suitable for mixing, an indispensable basis for all long drinks that require its use, from the simplest to the most complex.
Transparent aquamarine, it invites both sight and smell, in an expressive and aromatic mix of officinal and medical herbs, ethereal and balsamic scents, driven by slightly citrus notes. The taste is decidedly dry and robust, and then slides roundly along the palate, enveloping in a sensation of creaminess that recalls caramel and cotton candy, and then finishes clean and dry, with a light trail of bitter almond.
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